Wildlife Food Plots

Wildlife Food Plots

At Landis Tree & Stump, our commitment to enhancing the natural environment extends beyond tree care and stump removal. As part of our comprehensive forestry mulching services, we proudly offer the creation of food plots tailored to support local wildlife, particularly deer, across the forests of northeast Indiana, including Kendallville and its surrounding areas. Recognizing the significance of food plots in not only attracting deer but also in supplementing their nutritional needs and enhancing habitat quality, we prioritize the integration of this essential aspect into our forestry mulching endeavors. With careful planning and execution, our food plots serve as vital resources, fostering healthier ecosystems and enriching the biodiversity of our region


Choose a location that is easily accessible to deer and preferably near cover such as woods or thickets where deer feel safe. Ensure the area receives adequate sunlight for plant growth.

Size and Shape

Food plots can vary in size, but typically range from half an acre to several acres. Irregularly shaped plots with edges that create natural cover are often more attractive to deer.

Plant Selection

Select plants that are nutritious and attractive to deer. Common choices include:

  • Annuals: Soybeans, corn, oats, winter wheat, clover, brassicas (turnips, radishes)
  • Perennials: Clover, alfalfa, chicory
  • Forbs: Ladino clover, chicory, rape
  • Grasses: Timothy, orchardgrass

Planting Time

Timing of planting depends on the region and the specific plants chosen, but generally, spring and early summer are ideal for warm-season annuals, while late summer and early fall are suitable for cool-season annuals.

Soil Preparation

Conduct a soil test to determine pH and nutrient levels. Amend the soil as needed to optimize plant growth. Clear the area of existing vegetation and prepare a firm seedbed.

Fertilization and Maintenance

Apply fertilizer according to soil test recommendations and maintain the food plot by mowing, weed control, and periodic soil testing.

Water Source

If possible, locate food plots near a water source such as a stream, pond, or water trough to ensure deer have access to water.

Deer Management

Monitor deer activity in and around the food plots to asses their effectiveness. Adjust planting strategies and maintenance practices accordingly.

By considering these factors and implementing best practices, you can establish food plots that provide valuable nutrition for deer while enhancing your hunting opportunities and overall habitat quality.

Contact us today at (260) 750-8208 to learn more about our forestry mulching and wildlife food plots work in northeast, indiana.

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